Beginners Yoga for the Nervous/Inflexible/Out of Shape
I have talked to SO many people lately who would love to learn about and experience the many health benefits of yoga but are intimidated by traditional yoga classes. Sometimes it seems even the beginner classes are filled with young, bendy people. This class is specifically for all the people who have told me they don't want to be the most overweight, inexperienced or injured yogi in class. It will be a small, comfortable setting. We will start with the very basics and practice all aspects of yoga, physical and spiritual. Yoga will inspire a chain reaction of making healthy choices and spread out like a wave of influence throughout all aspects of your life.
6 weeks. Thursdays, 6pm. starting 8/3. If it fills I will add a 7pm class.
Space is limited. reserve your space- $75 via PayPal- yourLMTcasey@yahoo.com or
Cash or check hand delivered